At 6DollarEssay, we craft all academic papers based on the given guidelines. Before sharing the complete work, we send an initial draft to the client so that they can see if their order complies with the requirements. If it doesn’t the client can send it back to us for revisions, changes, and required amendments.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. All our writers are experts and understand the importance of originality in academic papers. Any writer in our team who is found committing this crime, is fired. Therefore, please be assured that your paper will contain 100% unique content. Upon request, we can also provide plagiarism report from the same software that is used in most universities worldwide i.e. Turnitin.
We have a safe payment mode and accept credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Also, we accept wire transfer through PayPal.
We strongly believe in customer satisfaction therefore we can revise the completed work upon request. We offer unlimited revisions without charging any cost and until client’s satisfaction.
Once you click on the “Order Now” on our website, you can fill in the order form with all the important details related to the paper and attach any additional guidelines required to complete the paper. In case, you forget to add any important details on the order form, you can always let our customer representative know through chat or phone call.
We never share our clients’ personal information with third parties. Therefore, information that you provide us is kept 100% confidential and is safely secured in our database under high security, which is accessed by only authorized personnel in our company.