6DollarEssay.com strongly recommends its customers to go through the privacy policies before placing an order with us. There might be certain policies that the customer might not agree with and would want to discuss it further with one of our agents, before going ahead to use our services. By reading this privacy policy, the customer will get to know the type of information we collect and the reason behind collecting it.
Personal Information
We collect your personal information (name, email address, contact details) so that we can keep your information securely logged in our system for future references. We would like to ensure you that we do not leak our customer’s personal information to third parties for any purposes. Moreover, only authorized personnel are allowed to access the personal information of customers. The only time we use personal information is when we have to send any updates and promotional deals related to our services to the customers.
Cookies Information
The first time a customer visits our page;there are some cookies that are stored in the system of the customer. This is mainly to improve the user experience of the customer. However, the customer has the option to disable the cookies but this would limit them from accessing some features of the website.